Is there parking at Plas Colwyn?
We can facilitate up to 9 vehicles in the car park which is towards the rear of Plas Colwyn
Can I bring a dog?
Unfortunately we do not allow dogs into Plas Colwyn
Is there wifi and broadband at Plas Colwyn?
Plas Colwyn offers
Can we smoke in the house?
Plas Colwyn is a smoke-free house. There is outside areas which are available for guests to smoke
What time can we check in and when do we have to be out?
Check-in is available at 4
Please contact us if you wish to change these times, we will try our best to accommodate
Do you provide linen & towels?
Fresh linen and towels are included in the cost of your stay
Which methods of payment are available?
The preferred method of payment is via bank transfer. Please get in touch if you wish to use an alternative method.
Do we take a deposit?
We ask for a
Is there a washing machine?
Yes, we have a washing machine and dryer in a cupboard in the bathroom near the backdoor
Is there a cot available?
There are two travel cots available to use in the house
Do you provide glassware?
Yes we have a varied selection of glassware.
Do we allow stag and hen do's?
We allow stag and hen dos at Plas Colwyn and expect our guests to respect the house and the village residents. It is the perfect spot for an “adventure” Stag or Hen Do and has some great pubs and resturants however Beddgelert is a quiet village so if you are looking for nightclubs, you may want to look somewhere else!
Do you have a BBQ?
No we don’t provide one but we don’t mind you bringing your own/disposables.