Begin your booking
Select a date from the calendar below to make a booking, we will be in touch shortly to discuss payment options. Alternatively, you can fill in the enquiry form below and we will contact you.
The prices that are quoted are for 19 people in 9 bedrooms. We make a small charge for extra bedding and the use of extra beds – up to +2. There is the option of renting the annex which can sleep an extra 2 people for an additional charge.
Select a date from the calendar to make a booking. We will be in touch shortly to discuss payment options. Alternatively, you can fill in the enquiry form and we will contact you.
The prices that are quoted are for 19 people in 9 bedrooms. We make a small charge for extra bedding and the use of extra beds – up to +2. There is the option of renting the annex which can sleep an extra 2 people for an additional charge.

Booked up on the dates you were looking for? Why not check out Bala Cottages availability, they offer two stunning cottages just an hours drive away.